Why Strength Training is Beneficial

ImageThere’s a common misconception that muscle is heavier than fat, so why bother with strength training? The truth of the matter is a pound of muscle weighs exactly the same as a pound of fat. Muscle just happens to be leaner than fat and looks a whole lot better on the body. This isn’t the only reason to incorporate strength training into your workout routine. In this article, we’ll take a look at more reasons why strength training is beneficial to those that wish to improve their overall health.

Beneficial for Weight Loss

Strength training is a very important factor in weight loss because the metabolism is increased as muscle is increased. The metabolism is the rate in which calories are consumed, and the rate and efficiency of the metabolism is greatly increased depending on how much muscle is present in the body. Simply put, the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. It has been estimated that for every pound of muscle, the body will burn 35 to 50 more calories a day. This not only helps reduce fat, but helps keep it off.

Helps Prevent Osteoporosis

Not only can strength training help with losing weight, it can also help prevent osteoporosis, which is especially important for women. Strength training can help prevent loss of bone density, which can lead to brittle bones and a host of other health issues. Not only can strength training help prevent the disastrous effects of osteoporosis, but those that are already suffering from osteoporosis and benefit from it as well, as strength training not only helps prevent bone loss, but it can also help increase it.

More Good News

While helping with weight loss and preventing osteoporosis are two big advantages to incorporating strength training into your fitness routine, there are many other benefits as well. It can help with cardiovascular health, prevent Type II Diabetes, and even make great strides in protecting joints. Perhaps the greatest advantage is that it can help reduce the bane of many a woman’s existence – belly fat.

Believe it or not, abdominal fat is often the result of not just overeating but stress. Our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol when we are under stress, and this hormone can increase the appetite and convert calories into abdominal fat. This fat is possibly the most dangerous of all the fat the can develop on the body because it is so close to several vital organs, putting undue pressure on them and perhaps causing them to malfunction. Not only does strength training use up cortisol, but it helps reduce the appetite and also helps reduce the dreaded belly fat.

Incorporating strength training into your fitness routine has so many benefits that it would be foolish to dismiss it. If you don’t know where to start in your strength training, why not consult with one of our personal trainer to get you started? Anyone can take advantage of a personal trainer’s expertise to make sure they are making the most of their sports and strength training, and to ensure they are working out safely and effectively.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all women boot camp or fitness boxing classes please visit NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Have you ever asked yourself what are your intentions in life? Whether it is your career, your love life, fitness goals or perhaps it is your finances or spiritual goals. What are your intentions? 

We should all start by defining our intentions. The broad definition of intentions is “an aim or a plan” of something. We all know without an aim or a plan our goals are a lot harder to achieve. Defining our intentions can help us streamline our lives. Just think about your intentions as your “Whys”.

Why do I want to be a CEO of a company? Why do I want to lose 20 pounds? Why do I want better communication with my mom? Why do I want to run a marathon? Knowing your feelings about your whys and streamlining your intentions will assist you in taking greater control of your life.

Understanding your aims can transform your dreams into reality. It can transform your plans into action. It can even transform your fears into hope and possibilities. It can turn your will into results. 

Tomorrow, when you start your day, ask yourself what are the things that you DON’T want to do today? I am pretty sure if you start your day by asking yourself the things you do not want to do, you’d be more inclined to refine the things you want to do.

Now that you’re clear about your intentions, set a plan that excites you. Something that will make you smile and make you feel as if you made today count! Look forward to it everyday; even if you only have 20 minutes to dedicate to it and see how your life becomes more rewarding each day. Intentions are a powerful tool to living your most authentic life.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all woman’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Ways to Manage Stress


No matter who are you, everyone deals with stress. Stress can be defined as the body’s reaction to everyday challenges, and in our modern society, stress is an ever-present part of life. However, the danger comes with trying to take on too much. Chronic stress can lead to physical and emotional problems that will impact your health, relationships, and overall well-being. Women especially might feel the pressure to take on too much as they try to juggle their career, families, and lives.

The good news is that stress can be managed. Here are some ways to manage stress if you find yourself overburdened and overwhelmed:

  • Take Care of Yourself – The fundamental key to managing stress in your life starts with taking care of yourself, meaning, first of all, that you take care of your physical needs. If you find yourself skipping meals or sleep, that is a sure sign you are trying to do too much. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals and make time to get physical exercise at least three times a week. Sleeping is essential to fighting stress. It is the time that you restore your body and let it repair itself. You can not function properly if you are not well rested.
  • Make Time to Pamper Yourself – One of the best ways to relieve stress is to make time to do fun activities or things that help you to relax like meditation or going for a walk. Your idea of pampering yourself might be a day at the spa or retail therapy. In any case, treat yourself to something nice and put your to-do list away for a while.
  • Reach Out to Others – When our lives get busy, we can tend to isolate ourselves and put our relationships on the back burner. Sometimes you just need to call your best friend, go out to coffee with a supportive family member, or make time for a date night with your significant other. Relationships are beneficial in that they not only enrich our lives but they also fortify us against stress.
  • Learn to Say No – You might be trying to take too much because you haven’t learned how to set up boundaries in your life. This means being able to say no to demands and activities that you already do not have time for. Stand up for yourself and learn what you can handle.

In New York City and want to get involved in a good cause? Come to a donation based camp class for The Obesity Initiative. Read our prior blog post for more information. If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all woman’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Ways to Feel Pretty at Any Age

ImageFeeling good about your body is one of the keys to maintaining your self-confidence. If you like how you look, you are usually happier with yourself and in life. However, as we age, our physical appearance changes and not always in good ways. We start to develop wrinkles, age spots, bulges, the skin loses its elasticity and glow, and our hair turns grey.  As you get older, you might find yourself increasingly unhappy with how you look but you should not. Aging is a natural process and something that should be embraced. Here are some tips to in order to feel pretty and accept the way you look:

  • Dress Up Every Now and Then – One of the best ways to feel good about your physical appearance at any age is to get dolled up for special occasions. Do your hair, put on makeup, and wear nice clothes. You can even do this whenever you feel like it. Just wearing a dressier outfit will give you more confidence throughout the day!
  • Vary Your Appearance and Clothes – We can often get stuck in the rut of looking the same way every day. Instead, take a little extra time in the morning to try different hairstyles and outfits. When you go shopping, make sure you find clothes that are flattering to your body type. If you need help with finding clothes or hairstyles that look good on you, it never hurts to ask someone!
  • Don’t Forget Diet and Exercise –Diet and exercise can make a huge difference on how our bodies look. Be sure to continue getting regular exercise and eating right. Although it won’t stop aging, diet and exercise can negate some of the effects getting older can have on your physical appearance and give you confidence too.
  • Learn to Love Your Body – Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your body, learn to appreciate it for what it is. Focus on what you like about it. You can even say positive affirmations out loud. For example, stand in a mirror and say to yourself, “I have great legs!” or “I love how my hair looks.” This way, you can learn to accept your body no matter how old you are.

It is the little things in life that makes all the difference. Surround yourself with good friends that promote positivity. Practice staying calm and meditating. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Use sunscreen. Stay active, even if its a 20 minute walk around your neighborhood. These are the kind of actions that will help you stay feeling vibrant and healthy,

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all woman’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Protecting Your Skin from the Sun

ImageAlthough I have written about this in a previous post, I cannot emphasize the importance of wearing sunscreen. I know us New Yorkers can not wait to get outside but please remember to protect yourself in these harsh summer days.

Summertime is an excellent time to get out and enjoy the outdoors! Summer is perfect for hanging out on the beach, entertaining with backyard barbeques, and enjoying all types of outdoor recreation activities like hiking and camping. However, with all the time you spend outside, there is the higher risk of permanently damaging your skin and increasing your chances of skin cancer. Melanoma, a type of skin cancer, is particularly deadly. On the other hand, there are some things you can do to protect your skin from the sun.

  • Wear Sunscreen – The most important way to protect your skin while outdoors is to wear sunscreen and apply it often! There are many different brands of sunscreen, but the Centers for Disease Control suggests one with a SPF of at least 15. If you are planning to spend several hours outside, be sure to reapply it several times. The rule of thumb is that SPF determines how many minutes to wait before reapplying. For example, sunscreen with a SPF of 60 should be applied every hour. If you are swimming, try a waterproof sunscreen.
  • Cover Up – Although summer invites us to wear shorts and tank tops, if you are spending all day outside, it might be better to cover up. Long sleeves and long pants can help prevent skin damage and cancer. The best times of fabrics are those that are lightweight and thin. Clothes with darker shades are also better at absorbing ultraviolet light. You can even find special recreational clothes with built-in SPF. Wear a hat with a wide brim to protect your head, neck, ears, and shoulders.
  • Limit Activity at Certain Times – The sun shines most intensely between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Limit your exposure during those times and take part in activities in the early morning or evening.
  • Avoid Sunbathing – Doctors agree that sunbathing is never healthy for your skin, especially for people that are fair-skinned or sensitive to sun exposure. Experts agree that there is no such thing as a healthy tan except those that come from a can!

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all woman’s boot camp  please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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