Finish What You Started – Cut the Fat for Good

measuring hips

There’s no question about it – making the commitment to work out is no easy task. Not only is it hard getting your new fitness program off the ground, but you’re sure to encounter pitfalls along the way. Don’t beat yourself up or quit when you meet an obstacle, jump over it! Staying motivated is the best way to ensure that you’ll meet your fitness goals. In this article, we’ll explore how you can stay motivated in all stages of your fitness journey.

At NYC Adventure Boot Camp we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

In the beginning

You may start off your fitness program with plenty of enthusiasm, but many of us start finding excuses to miss an exercise session or two as early as two weeks in. You’re sore and tired and you’d rather just stay at home. Of course you’re sore! You’re using muscles that haven’t been used in quite a long time, it’s perfectly normal. Make sure your body gets plenty of rest, but don’t fall for this well worn excuse. If imagining how amazing you’ll look and feel when you reach your goal seems too far out of your grasp at this point, give yourself a short term goal.

For example, create a goal that says that after six weeks of constant exercise, you’ll finally treat yourself to that luxury item you’ve had your eye on. Once you reach the first six weeks, make a new goal and work towards that. The time it takes to reach your final goal will be different for everyone and doesn’t have a definitive date, so create a solid goal that you can reach in the short term. Stay motivated so that you can stay on track and not only reach your short term goals, but your lifetime goal of being fit and healthy!

Pitfalls in the middle

The most common pitfall most of us will face on the path to our goal is a fitness plateau. All of a sudden, the numbers on the scale, the measurement of your thighs, or the amount of weight you can lift all stays magically the same, well before you’ve reached your goal. Does this mean that you’ve done as much as your body can handle? No way! Our bodies are incredible machines and will work hard to achieve their maximum capacity at whatever task we give them, but eventually the body will become so efficient that it no longer needs to use as much energy or burn as many calories to perform the task at hand.

This usually happens when you do the same exercises over and over again, so the solution may be as simple as changing the intensity of the exercise or the exercise itself. We can help you make the necessary changes to push through the plateau and continue on your way.

Those last five pounds

It’s true; the less fat you have to lose, the harder it is to get rid of it. Those infamous last five pounds can be a killer to push through, but think of how excited you’ll be to know you pushed through and stuck to your commitment from the beginning until the very end. If you’re having trouble getting past those last five pounds, consider consulting a fitness trainer, who is helpful during all stages of reaching your fitness goals. A fitness trainer can help design a fitness plan for you from the beginning, give you ideas or pushing through your plateaus, and keep you motivated all the way to the end, when you’ve reached your goal.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all women boot camp or fitness boxing classes please visit NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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How to Get and Keep Healthy Skin


Not only is our skin the largest organ of our bodies but it also plays an important role in our appearance. Our skin is typically the first thing that other people notice about us. Moreover, our skin plays a vital role in our health, protecting our bodies and inner organs from harmful substances and injury. For some of us, however, our skin is often ignored when it comes to taking care of ourselves. Here are some ways to take care of your skin no matter your age:

  • Diet and Exercise – It should be no surprise that diet and exercise have a profound impact on how your skin looks and feels. Exercise increases the circulation of blood and nutrients to your skin. Furthermore, diet plays an important role. For healthy skin, make sure you are getting plenty of foods with vitamin A like carrots and low-fat yogurt. Foods high in antioxidants, like berries, are critical as well. Selenium and essential fatty acids found in foods like walnuts, turkey, tuna, and flax seed are good for the skin, too.
  • Stay Hydrated – Getting enough water to stay hydrated every day, about eight glasses, goes a long way towards keeping your skin young and looking great.
  • Take Time to Relax – High levels of stress can produce all kinds of problems for your skin. When you are stressed out, your body releases cortisol, which could lead to breakouts of pimples. Control your stress by taking time to relax. You might even consider meditation, as some studies have shown that it helps clear up troublesome skin conditions.
  • Keep Your Skin Protected – No matter what time of the year it is, be sure to use sunscreen and reapply it often when outside. Sunscreen can keep you from developing skin cancer and other issues as you age.
  • Use a Simple Skin Care Regimen – Instead of buying bags full of skin products, the only ones you really need are a cleanser, moisturizer, and a retinoid. Retinoids improve the production of collagen and reduce the appearance of brown spots and fine lines.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all woman’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Staying Active in the Winter


As the seasons change and those of us in the northern hemisphere start to experience wet, cold weather, it can be more and more difficult to stay active. When the days start getting shorter and the weather grows increasingly colder, it is not easy to get outside in order to exercise or enjoy fun recreational activities. Furthermore, our bodies tend to slow down and we have the propensity to consume more calories during the winter in order to stay warm. This lack of exercise and the abundance of food during the holidays typically lead to weight gain and unhealthy habits.

In order to fight the wintertime bulge and overeating during the holidays, it is critical to stay active. Even though it is difficult to get outside for physical activities, here are some ways to get enough exercise during those bleak winter months:

  • Try Different Winter Sports – The winter offers all sorts of opportunities to get outside, even though it is cold. Recreational activities like downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, ice skating, and snowshoeing are all great aerobic activities that burn lots of calories. The key is too not overdo it when you head back to the lodge for something warm to eat and drink.
  • Head Inside to the Gym – Gym membership typically increases in the winter months because people are trying to stay active. Joining a nearby gym or club will give you an option for indoor workouts whether it is the cardio machines or weight lifting. Many gyms also have pools so that you can swim indoors in the winter.
  • Join a Class – Many gyms or clubs also have group exercise classes like fitness boot camp, yoga, Pilates, strength training, cycling, and water aerobics. If your gym does not offer group exercise, many independent instructors offer their own classes in the area. The key is to find physical activities you enjoy and stick with it, even though it is harder to do so in the winter.

Besides the physical benefits, staying active in the snowy months can also help with beating the winter blues. So this winter stay motivated to get out and be active!

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all woman’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Eating Better for the Holidays


As the holiday season draws closer, one of the hardest ways to maintain your healthy lifestyle during this time of year is to eat right. Even if you have been doing great on your diet, the holidays can still lead to overindulgence and weight gain. One of the reasons for is this is that food seems to be extra plentiful during celebrations with plates and plates of delicious goodies. Plus, the majority of food served during the holidays is usually loaded with fat, calories, and sugar. If you are not careful, your health can suffer.

In order to stay healthier over the holidays, here are some tips for eating better:

  • Make Wise Choices – Instead of reaching for things like pie, stuffing, gravy, eggnog, bread pudding, and ham or beef, choose healthier options like turkey, chicken, fresh salads, and steamed vegetables. It’s OK to have some holiday treats, but it is important to choose your calories wisely. Keep track of your calories as much as possible so you know how much you are eating.
  • Bring Your Own Food – During many holiday celebrations, there is often not many healthy choices. By bringing a healthier dish of your own, you can give yourself and others that option. Plus, there are plenty of traditional recipes that can be modified in order to be healthier.
  • Control Your PortionsSmaller portions allow you to sample many different foods while keeping the amount of calories down. Also, it is best to chew your food slowly and take small bites to avoid overindulging. When you are done with your meal, it might be helpful to leave the room in order to keep from going back for more.
  • Avoid Excessive Alcohol Consumption – The holidays are notorious for alcohol but alcoholic drinks are high in calories and have hardly any nutritional value. Plus, it dehydrates your body. Practice moderation, if it is impossible for you to avoid alcohol then try and drink a glass of water in between drinks. But the safest bet is to stick to plain water and your body will thank you for it.
  • Stay Active – Moderation is critical when it comes to eating over the holidays but so is staying active. Keeping exercising regularly and get moving!

Join the Sexy Black Dress Project that will help you get into the dress size of your choice in 30 days.  If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all women’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Oh by the way…The best compliment we receive is a referral from our clients.  Personal introductions allow me to focus my time and energy where it belongs – working for you rather than looking for you.  With that in mind, please do not keep us a secret.  Your valued assistance helps me to help you, your family, friends and business associates.” 

Sexy Black Dress 30 Day Challenge

Hey there! It’s Stacy, owner of NYC Adventure Boot Camp. I am really excited to reveal a challenge that I’ve NEVER done before.

The holidays are just around the corner and I have decided to fit into a black dress. But this is no ordinary black dress. I paid for this dress that is a whole size smaller than I would normally wear. Let me call it my ‘ultimate fantasy’ dress size. And now, I’m going to fit into this dress in 30 days and get in the best shape of my life. But I also decided to do something I have never done before. I mean, why should I do this alone? I’m sure there are plenty of us who are dying to look incredible for the Holidays.

So here’s my challenge to you… I want you to think of a sexy black dress that you fantasied about buying. Now I want you to think of your dream dress size. Not just one size smaller but your fantasy dress size. The one you’ve always wanted to fit into. Are you still with me? So here is the hardest part.

I want you to go out and buy this dress TODAY.

Yes do this right now and keep the receipt. Over the next 30 days I’m going to reveal to you the step by step process of how to fit into this dream, fantasy sexy black dress. By the way, if you do everything I say and don’t fit into this dress, it’s very simple.

Just keep the receipt and tell me how much you paid for the dress and I’ll take care of the bill for you.

That’s right I will pay you in cash for the cost of the dress if you don’t fit into it.

You don’t even have to worry about wasting your money because I’m so confident I can get you into this dress. And by the way I’ve NEVER done anything like this before.  It’s the first time in my life that I’ve taken on such a big challenge. But you know, I’m pretty confident I can get you there. And here’s how I know why…

A few years ago, after doing a photo shoot for fitness boxing and not being happy with my body in the pictures, I was struggling to find a plan that got me in the BEST shape of my life for the next fitness shoot which was happening 3 weeks later.

So I got to work and slimmed down my body using a very specific eating plan and workout formula. And I recorded everything I did. I wrote down what I ate and the workouts I did every day, some super-secret ways for slimming down fast to actually lose the weight and the results were outstanding. I was thrilled with the progress!

Now, every time I put on some extra weight or I have a beach vacation coming up, a reunion or a family engagement I go back to what I did in those 3 weeks and it’s never let me down. And you know what; it’s never going to let YOU down either.

It is my secret get-into-sexy-shape-plan that’s always worked for me.

So now, I’ve created a 30 day ‘Black Dress Project’. It’s only for a handful of ladies, 40 of us total and we are going to do it as a team. At the end of 30 days, here’s what’s going to happen. We are going to celebrate and have a MAJOR party together. You will wear your sexy dream dress and we will have a professional photo shoot and VIP Champagne celebration!!!

So imagine this. You’re going to have pictures of yourself in your favorite sexy dress and your body’s going to be lean and in shape just before the holidays come around.  

Last thing, here’s one thing I can promise you. Everyone that sees you wearing this dress will ask you 1 question: How did you fit into that dress you look AMAZING.

This is the ultimate reward!!

Here’s exactly what to do if you want to be part of the Secret Black Dress Project


1. Sign Up for the Challenge

2. Go out and Buy Your Dress in the Size you Want to Wear ASAP

3. Email Me 2 Before Photos to

– 1 In Your Black Dress

– 1 In Your Sports Bra and Pants/Shorts

***AGAIN, I can ONLY TAKE 40 Ladies Total so if you want to be one of these lucky women; you need to Sign up ASAP. ***

Here’s how we will get you into your ultimate fantasy dress:

Eating Plan to lose excess body fat, here’s how it works:

Before the challenge starts, we will NEED to create an eating schedule for you and mentally prepare for success. I will send you all the info on what you need to do and what you need to have on hand to get this done ahead of time.

Every week on a Friday, I’m going to email you a step by step guide of what to eat for the next week ahead, so you will have time over the weekend to prepare. I’m going to give you a grocery list and special weekly preparation guide to do this with ease.

All you have to do is follow it to the T. That will take away the risk of you eating anything that is not on the list and not following the exact plan as it’s laid out.

Exercise to get your body lean, strong and sexy. Here’s how it works: Myself and the NYC Adventure Boot Camp Fitness Team are going to deliver the EXACT full body workouts I used to get into fitness model ready shape.  And all the workouts I’m doing now to get into my fantasy dress.

I have to get your body losing inches and feeling more energized in record time. For the exercise part, you MUST plan to commit to the following ‘SEXY BLACK DRESS’ Workout Program:

1) 3 Full Body Strength/ Cardio Sessions per week

*** Boot Camp Happy Hour 5:30AM

2) At home workouts twice a week.

You are never going to fail.

**Again, because I want you to have the BEST experience possible, I room for 30 ladies in total.

If you want to be one of the lucky 40 I need you to sign up and get your dress ASAP. We start Monday November 4th.

Remember, Here’s EXACTLY WHAT TO DO if you want to be a part of this Secret ‘Black Dress’ Project – 3 STEPS:

  1. EMAIL to Sign up for the Challenge
  2. Go out and BUY your DRESS in the size you want to wear ASAP
  3. Email me 2 BEFORE Photos to

– 1 Before Photo in your black dress

– 1 Before photo in your sports bra

If you follow our Step By Step, Secret Black Dress Project it’s laid out and Do Not fit into your NEW Dress, just give me your receipt and I will personally PAY for your DRESS in CASH…


1. New Clients – Now $279 through 11:59pm Sunday, Oct. 27

2. Existing Clients – (currently enrolled) Now $247 through 11:59pm Sunday, Oct. 27

3. On-line Clients – Now $147 through 11:59pm Sunday, Oct. 27

OR CALL 917-822-3440 for MORE INFORMATION!

I can’t wait to see how you look and feel at the end of this! You are going to LOVE your NEW Body!

See you soon!

Stacy Papakostas

P.S. Sign up now for this RISK FREE get-into-my-sexiest-black-dress-NOW program.

P.P.S. Remember we will buy your dress from you if it does NOT fit at the end!

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