Does the word exercise cause you to cringe?

If so, you are not alone! It is estimated that 75% of Americans get less than the recommended amount of exercise. Not only is exercise important for good health, it is also crucial when it comes to weight control. While you can lose weight without exercise, it is very difficult to keep the weight off without being physically active.
Here are some of the benefits of exercise:
    • Reduced risk of heart disease.
    • Improved blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
    • Improved heart functionReduced risk of osteoporosis.
    • Improved muscle mass (this is important for those people on a weight loss diet!)
    • Lowers blood pressure
    • Improves blood sugar control in diabetics.
    • Aides in stress managementEnhanced self-confidence and self-imageHelps to speed the metabolism.

How much exercise should you be doing?

The basic recommendations from American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association for healthy adults under age 65 are: Do moderately intense cardio 30 minutes a day, five days a week Or Do vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week And Do 8 to 10 strength-training exercises, 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise twice a week. Moderate-intensity physical activity means working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat, yet still being able to carry on a conversation. It should be noted that to lose weight or maintain weight loss, 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity may be necessary. The 30-minute recommendation is for the average healthy adult to maintain health and reduce the risk for chronic disease.

Tips for incorporating exercise into your life.

I’m sure most of you city girls have very busy lives with work, family, social obligations, dating, etc. I bet the above recommendations can sound almost impossible. If you are trying to lose weight, do you really have 60 – 90 minutes a day 5 times a week to spend exercising?

Just tell your boss that you’ll be needing 90 minutes each day to spend at the gym. I’m sure you will receive a lot of support (wrong!). So how can you increase your activity levels in a realistic manner?

1. Start by setting realistic goals, otherwise you’ll feel overwhelmed and will only set yourself up for failure. If your current activity level is very low, your goal should be to increase it slowly. Maybe start out by walking 3 times a week for 20 minutes. Or get off the bus one stop earlier. Do not go to the gym telling yourself you will need to be on the treadmill for 60-90 minutes. You know what will happen … you won’t even go! Start with 15 minutes.Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car in the far end of the shopping market parking lot. It all adds up – 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there.

2. Do it in short bouts. Research shows that moderate-intensity physical activity can be accumulated throughout the day in 10-minute bouts, which can be just as effective as exercising for 30 minutes straight. This can be useful when trying to fit physical activity into a busy schedule. So walk 10 minutes to work, walk an extra 15 blocks on the way to get your salad at lunch, take a 15 minute walk after dinner.Try to walk at a good pace.

3. Mix it up. Combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity can be used to meet the guidelines. For example, you can walk briskly for 30 minutes twice per week and jog at a higher intensity on two other days. This also helps to prevent boredom as well as injury. Take a spinning class one day and a brisk walk on your lunch hour the other day if you don’t have time to get to the gym.

4. The gym isn’t a necessity. It doesn’t take an expensive gym membership to get the daily recommended amount of physical activity. A pair of athletic shoes and a little motivation are all you need to live a more active, healthier life. Just get out and walk! However if you do go to a gym, take advantage of the different machines and classes. Try a spinning class, a kickbox class or a body conditioning class. Yoga and pilates classes are great for toning and stretching, however they don’t really count as aerobic exercise.

5. Put your exercise into your daily planner just like another appointment. Maybe it’s easier for you to walk during your lunch hour, or perhaps hitting the pavement right after dinner is best for you. The key is to set aside specific days and times for exercise, making it just as much a regular part of your schedule as everything else.

6. Get your family and friends involved. Take your spouse, your children, or a friend with you during exercise to add some fun to your routine. This is also a good way to encourage your kids to be physically active and get them committed early to a lifetime of health.Many of the above recommendations came from this link (ACSM)

Set some goals for this week:

1. How many times a week are you exercising on a daily basis?

2. If you are trying to lose weight, your ideal goal is at least 5 times a week for 60 minutes.

3. Think about several ways you can increase your activity and write these thoughts down.

4. Set specific goals, such as:-I will walk for 30 minutes on my lunch hour on Monday and Wednesday with my co-worker Mary-I will walk 30 minutes after dinner twice a week with my husband-I will take a kickboxing class at my gym every Wednesday- I will walk Jack (my dog) briskly every day for 15 extra minutes.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all women boot camp please visit NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Ways to Beat the Flu This Season


With the changing of the seasons, it is time to start thinking about another season coming our way: flu season. This time of year usually sees an increase in the number of cases of the flu as well as other illnesses like the common cold, strep throat, sinus infections, even pneumonia or bronchitis. The flu season typically peaks in January and February. The bad news is that the flu virus is easily spread from one person to another. Most people come in contact with the flu virus when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or even talks and spread the germs around.

The good news is that just by taking a few simple measures you can keep yourself healthy and hopefully avoid catching the flu this season. Here are some tips:

  • Take Care of Yourself – When you eat properly, get regular exercise, and get enough sleep at night, your body’s immune system is able to function properly to fight off germs that can make you ill. When you don’t take care of yourself, the capacity of the immune system is markedly diminished and you find that you get sick more often. Ensure that your immune system can work by taking care of yourself and find ways to manage stress.
  • Drink Lots of Fluids – Drinking water and tea is a great way to keep healthy. Avoid dehydration to help the immune system to function properly.
  • Wash Your Hands Regularly – Washing your hands is one of the best ways to avoid sickness and spreading it to others. You should wash your hands before and after preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet, after touching animals, and so on. If you are in a situation where you are unable to wash your hands, using hand sanitizer is highly recommended, although not as effective as soap and water.
  • Avoid Contact with People Who are Sick – Although it may not be always possible, it is a good idea to avoid people who are sick with the flu or cold until their symptoms subside. The flu and other illnesses are spread the most easily through contact with people around you. If you do come down with symptoms of the flu, be sure to stay home from work or school until you are feeling better.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all women’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for an extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Eating Better for the Holidays


As the holiday season draws closer, one of the hardest ways to maintain your healthy lifestyle during this time of year is to eat right. Even if you have been doing great on your diet, the holidays can still lead to overindulgence and weight gain. One of the reasons for is this is that food seems to be extra plentiful during celebrations with plates and plates of delicious goodies. Plus, the majority of food served during the holidays is usually loaded with fat, calories, and sugar. If you are not careful, your health can suffer.

In order to stay healthier over the holidays, here are some tips for eating better:

  • Make Wise Choices – Instead of reaching for things like pie, stuffing, gravy, eggnog, bread pudding, and ham or beef, choose healthier options like turkey, chicken, fresh salads, and steamed vegetables. It’s OK to have some holiday treats, but it is important to choose your calories wisely. Keep track of your calories as much as possible so you know how much you are eating.
  • Bring Your Own Food – During many holiday celebrations, there is often not many healthy choices. By bringing a healthier dish of your own, you can give yourself and others that option. Plus, there are plenty of traditional recipes that can be modified in order to be healthier.
  • Control Your PortionsSmaller portions allow you to sample many different foods while keeping the amount of calories down. Also, it is best to chew your food slowly and take small bites to avoid overindulging. When you are done with your meal, it might be helpful to leave the room in order to keep from going back for more.
  • Avoid Excessive Alcohol Consumption – The holidays are notorious for alcohol but alcoholic drinks are high in calories and have hardly any nutritional value. Plus, it dehydrates your body. Practice moderation, if it is impossible for you to avoid alcohol then try and drink a glass of water in between drinks. But the safest bet is to stick to plain water and your body will thank you for it.
  • Stay Active – Moderation is critical when it comes to eating over the holidays but so is staying active. Keeping exercising regularly and get moving!

Join the Sexy Black Dress Project that will help you get into the dress size of your choice in 30 days.  If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all women’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Oh by the way…The best compliment we receive is a referral from our clients.  Personal introductions allow me to focus my time and energy where it belongs – working for you rather than looking for you.  With that in mind, please do not keep us a secret.  Your valued assistance helps me to help you, your family, friends and business associates.” 

Ways to Beat the Flu This Season


With the changing of the seasons, it is time to start thinking about another season coming our way: flu season. This time of year usually sees an increase in the number of cases of the flu as well as other illnesses like the common cold, strep throat, sinus infections, even pneumonia or bronchitis. The flu season typically peaks in January and February. The bad news is that the flu virus is easily spread from one person to another. Most people come in contact with the flu virus when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or even talks and spread the germs around.

The good news is that just by taking a few simple measures you can keep yourself healthy and hopefully avoid catching the flu this season. Here are some tips:

  • Take Care of Yourself – When you eat properly, get regular exercise, and get enough sleep at night, your body’s immune system is able to function properly to fight off germs that can make you ill. When you don’t take care of yourself, the capacity of the immune system is markedly diminished and you find that you get sick more often. Ensure that your immune system can work by taking care of yourself and find ways to manage stress.
  • Wash Your Hands Regularly – Washing your hands is one of the best ways to avoid sickness and spreading it to others. You should wash your hands before and after preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet, after touching animals, and so on. If you are in a situation where you are unable to wash your hands, using hand sanitizer is highly recommended, although not as effective as soap and water.
  • Avoid Contact with People Who are Sick – Although it may not be always possible, it is a good idea to avoid people who are sick with the flu or cold until their symptoms subside. The flu and other illnesses are spread the most easily through contact with people around you. If you do come down with symptoms of the flu, be sure to stay home from work or school until you are feeling better.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all woman’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Oh by the way…The best compliment we receive is a referral from our clients.  Personal introductions allow me to focus my time and energy where it belongs – working for you rather than looking for you.  With that in mind, please do not keep us a secret.  Your valued assistance helps me to help you, your family, friends and business associates.” 

How to reduce your risk for skin cancer this summer

ImageSummer is here and with the warm, balmy weather, you’re going to want to spend some time outside. Whether you’re gardening, swimming, exercising, playing at the park or just lounging around in your back yard, your skin is going to come into contact with the sun’s rays. While a little sun exposure is probably okay, if you’re going to be spending any significant length of time outdoors, you need to protect your skin. There’s no need to stay inside on gorgeous days – instead, use these smart tips to reduce your risk of skin cancer this summer.

Wear Sunscreen

This is almost a “duh,” but you’d be surprised at how many women (and men) go without sunscreen outdoors. They may put it on at the beach when they’re going to be in the sun for hours at a time, but not when hanging out at the park or doing yard work. The truth is, you need sunscreen any time you’re going to be out in the sun for fifteen minutes or more. Look for a sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection, and apply often. Also, don’t skip sunscreen on cloudy days – the sun’s rays still penetrate through the clouds.

Forget The “Base” Tan

Many people start visiting tanning beds around March, hoping to get a good base tan that will protect them from getting burned later on in the summer. This is a myth – you can still get burned if you have a tan, and tan skin actually increases your chance of getting skin cancer. If you can’t stand pasty white legs peeking out of your summer shorts, opt for a professional spray tan or even a high quality self-tanner. Both will give you the skin color you desire without the dangers of tanning beds.

Choose When To Go Out In The Sun

The sun’s rays are the strongest between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. If you can avoid going out in the sun during these hours, you’re going to reduce your risk for skin cancer significantly. If you are outside during these hours, consider getting in the shade, such as under a tree or an umbrella.

When enjoying the sun and wonderful summer weather, remember to care for your skin! If you’re smart about exposing your skin to the sun and use sunscreen appropriately, your chances of getting skin cancer will all but diminish.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all woman’s boot camp  please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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