Finish What You Started – Cut the Fat for Good

measuring hips

There’s no question about it – making the commitment to work out is no easy task. Not only is it hard getting your new fitness program off the ground, but you’re sure to encounter pitfalls along the way. Don’t beat yourself up or quit when you meet an obstacle, jump over it! Staying motivated is the best way to ensure that you’ll meet your fitness goals. In this article, we’ll explore how you can stay motivated in all stages of your fitness journey.

At NYC Adventure Boot Camp we are big on the three C’s- COMMITMENT, CONTROL & CONSISTENCY! Make the first step and Commit and we will gladly guide you through the rest. Whatever your health and fitness concerns are, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals! We can discuss your goals and see if we are a good match. What are you waiting for?

In the beginning

You may start off your fitness program with plenty of enthusiasm, but many of us start finding excuses to miss an exercise session or two as early as two weeks in. You’re sore and tired and you’d rather just stay at home. Of course you’re sore! You’re using muscles that haven’t been used in quite a long time, it’s perfectly normal. Make sure your body gets plenty of rest, but don’t fall for this well worn excuse. If imagining how amazing you’ll look and feel when you reach your goal seems too far out of your grasp at this point, give yourself a short term goal.

For example, create a goal that says that after six weeks of constant exercise, you’ll finally treat yourself to that luxury item you’ve had your eye on. Once you reach the first six weeks, make a new goal and work towards that. The time it takes to reach your final goal will be different for everyone and doesn’t have a definitive date, so create a solid goal that you can reach in the short term. Stay motivated so that you can stay on track and not only reach your short term goals, but your lifetime goal of being fit and healthy!

Pitfalls in the middle

The most common pitfall most of us will face on the path to our goal is a fitness plateau. All of a sudden, the numbers on the scale, the measurement of your thighs, or the amount of weight you can lift all stays magically the same, well before you’ve reached your goal. Does this mean that you’ve done as much as your body can handle? No way! Our bodies are incredible machines and will work hard to achieve their maximum capacity at whatever task we give them, but eventually the body will become so efficient that it no longer needs to use as much energy or burn as many calories to perform the task at hand.

This usually happens when you do the same exercises over and over again, so the solution may be as simple as changing the intensity of the exercise or the exercise itself. We can help you make the necessary changes to push through the plateau and continue on your way.

Those last five pounds

It’s true; the less fat you have to lose, the harder it is to get rid of it. Those infamous last five pounds can be a killer to push through, but think of how excited you’ll be to know you pushed through and stuck to your commitment from the beginning until the very end. If you’re having trouble getting past those last five pounds, consider consulting a fitness trainer, who is helpful during all stages of reaching your fitness goals. A fitness trainer can help design a fitness plan for you from the beginning, give you ideas or pushing through your plateaus, and keep you motivated all the way to the end, when you’ve reached your goal.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all women boot camp or fitness boxing classes please visit NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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6 Ways To Build Lean Muscles

Woman running on the beachYou want a body shaped with lean muscle and backed by a nutritious diet. You want to stay fit and healthy in the midst of all the fatty foods and unhealthy diets. Building lean muscle isn’t impossible with the right exercise and dieting program in place. Here are some great ways women can build lean muscle.

1. Eat Nutritious Foods

Stock up on foods that help keep your muscles lean and firm. Beef is a good source of protein, zinc, and B vitamins while brown rice, eggs, spinach increase muscle strength, endurance, good digestion, and longer-lasting energy. Just remember to select only fresh and wholesome foods when creating your diet.

2. Reduce Carbs In Your Diet

Women have the upper hand when it comes to burning fat to carbs, so stick to a low-carb or no-carb diet in order to burn the fat and gain toned muscles.

3. Strengthen Muscles With Exercise

Exercise regularly in order to stretch and strengthen your muscles, but make sure to focus on exercises that promote lean muscle throughout your body. Squats, deadlifts, and lunges are just some of the many exercises that target your legs, back, abs, and obliques.

4. Remember To Drink Your Water

Always have plenty of water to drink as you work through the program. An intake of at least 8 glasses of water not only keeps you hydrated, but it curbs mistaken hunger pains and prevents overeating. And with every intake, your body is able to flush out toxins inside your body, making you feel lighter and healthier.

5. Control Your Calorie Intake

Calorie control is essential in building lean muscle. By taking in too many calories, you gain excessive weight. This makes it difficult to tell if it is lean muscle or just a layer of body fat. But a lack of calories lessens your chances of gaining and building lean muscles. Set a target calorie count that is just right and that produces results.

6. Rest

Make sure to give your body enough rest. More than to cool down from the workouts, rest allows the body to repair the muscles. What’s more, because the muscle is metabolically active, it burns calories even while the body is resting. Consider a day off for every week.

It takes a lot of effort and self-discipline to build lean, mean muscle, but the results are worthwhile. To be sure, consult a health professional before implementing any diet or exercise program.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all women boot camp or fitness boxing classes please visit NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Ways to Beat the Flu This Season


With the changing of the seasons, it is time to start thinking about another season coming our way: flu season. This time of year usually sees an increase in the number of cases of the flu as well as other illnesses like the common cold, strep throat, sinus infections, even pneumonia or bronchitis. The flu season typically peaks in January and February. The bad news is that the flu virus is easily spread from one person to another. Most people come in contact with the flu virus when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or even talks and spread the germs around.

The good news is that just by taking a few simple measures you can keep yourself healthy and hopefully avoid catching the flu this season. Here are some tips:

  • Take Care of Yourself – When you eat properly, get regular exercise, and get enough sleep at night, your body’s immune system is able to function properly to fight off germs that can make you ill. When you don’t take care of yourself, the capacity of the immune system is markedly diminished and you find that you get sick more often. Ensure that your immune system can work by taking care of yourself and find ways to manage stress.
  • Drink Lots of Fluids – Drinking water and tea is a great way to keep healthy. Avoid dehydration to help the immune system to function properly.
  • Wash Your Hands Regularly – Washing your hands is one of the best ways to avoid sickness and spreading it to others. You should wash your hands before and after preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet, after touching animals, and so on. If you are in a situation where you are unable to wash your hands, using hand sanitizer is highly recommended, although not as effective as soap and water.
  • Avoid Contact with People Who are Sick – Although it may not be always possible, it is a good idea to avoid people who are sick with the flu or cold until their symptoms subside. The flu and other illnesses are spread the most easily through contact with people around you. If you do come down with symptoms of the flu, be sure to stay home from work or school until you are feeling better.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all women’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for an extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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Sexy Black Dress 30 Day Challenge

Hey there! It’s Stacy, owner of NYC Adventure Boot Camp. I am really excited to reveal a challenge that I’ve NEVER done before.

The holidays are just around the corner and I have decided to fit into a black dress. But this is no ordinary black dress. I paid for this dress that is a whole size smaller than I would normally wear. Let me call it my ‘ultimate fantasy’ dress size. And now, I’m going to fit into this dress in 30 days and get in the best shape of my life. But I also decided to do something I have never done before. I mean, why should I do this alone? I’m sure there are plenty of us who are dying to look incredible for the Holidays.

So here’s my challenge to you… I want you to think of a sexy black dress that you fantasied about buying. Now I want you to think of your dream dress size. Not just one size smaller but your fantasy dress size. The one you’ve always wanted to fit into. Are you still with me? So here is the hardest part.

I want you to go out and buy this dress TODAY.

Yes do this right now and keep the receipt. Over the next 30 days I’m going to reveal to you the step by step process of how to fit into this dream, fantasy sexy black dress. By the way, if you do everything I say and don’t fit into this dress, it’s very simple.

Just keep the receipt and tell me how much you paid for the dress and I’ll take care of the bill for you.

That’s right I will pay you in cash for the cost of the dress if you don’t fit into it.

You don’t even have to worry about wasting your money because I’m so confident I can get you into this dress. And by the way I’ve NEVER done anything like this before.  It’s the first time in my life that I’ve taken on such a big challenge. But you know, I’m pretty confident I can get you there. And here’s how I know why…

A few years ago, after doing a photo shoot for fitness boxing and not being happy with my body in the pictures, I was struggling to find a plan that got me in the BEST shape of my life for the next fitness shoot which was happening 3 weeks later.

So I got to work and slimmed down my body using a very specific eating plan and workout formula. And I recorded everything I did. I wrote down what I ate and the workouts I did every day, some super-secret ways for slimming down fast to actually lose the weight and the results were outstanding. I was thrilled with the progress!

Now, every time I put on some extra weight or I have a beach vacation coming up, a reunion or a family engagement I go back to what I did in those 3 weeks and it’s never let me down. And you know what; it’s never going to let YOU down either.

It is my secret get-into-sexy-shape-plan that’s always worked for me.

So now, I’ve created a 30 day ‘Black Dress Project’. It’s only for a handful of ladies, 40 of us total and we are going to do it as a team. At the end of 30 days, here’s what’s going to happen. We are going to celebrate and have a MAJOR party together. You will wear your sexy dream dress and we will have a professional photo shoot and VIP Champagne celebration!!!

So imagine this. You’re going to have pictures of yourself in your favorite sexy dress and your body’s going to be lean and in shape just before the holidays come around.  

Last thing, here’s one thing I can promise you. Everyone that sees you wearing this dress will ask you 1 question: How did you fit into that dress you look AMAZING.

This is the ultimate reward!!

Here’s exactly what to do if you want to be part of the Secret Black Dress Project


1. Sign Up for the Challenge

2. Go out and Buy Your Dress in the Size you Want to Wear ASAP

3. Email Me 2 Before Photos to

– 1 In Your Black Dress

– 1 In Your Sports Bra and Pants/Shorts

***AGAIN, I can ONLY TAKE 40 Ladies Total so if you want to be one of these lucky women; you need to Sign up ASAP. ***

Here’s how we will get you into your ultimate fantasy dress:

Eating Plan to lose excess body fat, here’s how it works:

Before the challenge starts, we will NEED to create an eating schedule for you and mentally prepare for success. I will send you all the info on what you need to do and what you need to have on hand to get this done ahead of time.

Every week on a Friday, I’m going to email you a step by step guide of what to eat for the next week ahead, so you will have time over the weekend to prepare. I’m going to give you a grocery list and special weekly preparation guide to do this with ease.

All you have to do is follow it to the T. That will take away the risk of you eating anything that is not on the list and not following the exact plan as it’s laid out.

Exercise to get your body lean, strong and sexy. Here’s how it works: Myself and the NYC Adventure Boot Camp Fitness Team are going to deliver the EXACT full body workouts I used to get into fitness model ready shape.  And all the workouts I’m doing now to get into my fantasy dress.

I have to get your body losing inches and feeling more energized in record time. For the exercise part, you MUST plan to commit to the following ‘SEXY BLACK DRESS’ Workout Program:

1) 3 Full Body Strength/ Cardio Sessions per week

*** Boot Camp Happy Hour 5:30AM

2) At home workouts twice a week.

You are never going to fail.

**Again, because I want you to have the BEST experience possible, I room for 30 ladies in total.

If you want to be one of the lucky 40 I need you to sign up and get your dress ASAP. We start Monday November 4th.

Remember, Here’s EXACTLY WHAT TO DO if you want to be a part of this Secret ‘Black Dress’ Project – 3 STEPS:

  1. EMAIL to Sign up for the Challenge
  2. Go out and BUY your DRESS in the size you want to wear ASAP
  3. Email me 2 BEFORE Photos to

– 1 Before Photo in your black dress

– 1 Before photo in your sports bra

If you follow our Step By Step, Secret Black Dress Project it’s laid out and Do Not fit into your NEW Dress, just give me your receipt and I will personally PAY for your DRESS in CASH…


1. New Clients – Now $279 through 11:59pm Sunday, Oct. 27

2. Existing Clients – (currently enrolled) Now $247 through 11:59pm Sunday, Oct. 27

3. On-line Clients – Now $147 through 11:59pm Sunday, Oct. 27

OR CALL 917-822-3440 for MORE INFORMATION!

I can’t wait to see how you look and feel at the end of this! You are going to LOVE your NEW Body!

See you soon!

Stacy Papakostas

P.S. Sign up now for this RISK FREE get-into-my-sexiest-black-dress-NOW program.

P.P.S. Remember we will buy your dress from you if it does NOT fit at the end!

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Strength Training is for Women, Too!


If you are a woman, you might be missing out on one of the most beneficial fitness activities, and that is strength training. Women often have misconceptions about strength training, believing that it will make them look like body builders. They might believe that lifting weights is only for men or people that want to look ripped. The truth, however, is that strength training is important for women, and this importance only increases as you get older.

Strength training has a variety of benefits for women. Here are just a few:

  • Strength training increases physical strength while decreasing body fat. The more you spend time lifting weights, the more you build lean muscle. The more you build lean muscle, the more you lose body fat and increase your metabolism. This means that you will burn more calories throughout the day.
  • You will develop muscle tone and definition. If you want to improve the physical appearance of your body, strength training goes a long way. Lifting weights two or three times a week will tone your whole body. The key is to target your major muscle groups including your legs, upper body, chest, back, and abdominals.
  • Strength training reduces your risk of injury. As our bodies age, our risk of injury increases. Strength training cuts down on this risk while improving athletic performance. Plus, weight lifting cuts down on the muscle fatigue you might experience while exercising or just participating in daily activities like laundry or carrying groceries.
  • Strength training cuts down on arthritis and back pain. Besides increasing the strength of muscles, lifting weights also increases the stability and flexibility of joints. Studies have shown that strength training also reduces back pain. This are especially important as we age.
  • Strength training reduces your risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, and diabetes. These three health risks become a problem as you get older, but strength training can cut down on your chances of developing them.
  • Strength training improves your mood. Strength training helps women feel more confident about themselves and it wards of symptoms of depression.

If you are in New York City and interested in joining an all woman’s boot camp please visit  NYC ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP, mention that you found us through our blog for and extra 15% off a membership. Come work out like a GIRL!!!

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